"Freedom and Belonging"
All About Mud Pie Explorers CIC:

Our mission:
“Creating a sense of freedom and belonging for local children" through:
Open ended play in nature
Community- connection to their peers, our team and their local community
Encouraging excellent self esteem, self awareness and self confidence
Fostering a connection to nature and their local environment
Support of their parent/ carers including signposting and onward referrals
Partnership working with schools, local authorities and other external partners
Our approach:
Child led and play based with an emphasis encouraging a state of flow
Science based, trauma informed and low arousal
Supported by high adult ratios
Risk aware but not risk averse
Adaptable to needs in our community
Focused on the strengths of children
Holistic - social, intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual
Our Funded Projects:
Our remit for specialist provision with external partners:
Children in years 1-6 in mainstream education who are in one, or more, of these groups:
Dyspraxia/ DCD
Visual stress
Sensory processing needs
Trauma and attachment
Low income families
Social, emotional and mental health needs
Groups usually have 6 children. Sometimes we may add one or two more children if the needs of the group allow this.
Short breaks school holiday sessions
Thanks to funding from Bristol City's short breaks service we are offering funded Forest School sessions for children with additional needs.
These groups are for children who:
1) Live in a home in Bristol (i.e with a Bristol City Council Council tax bill) + 2) are aged 8- 12 + 3) are not currently accessing another short breaks services + 4) are in one or more of the following groups: Autistic, ADHD/ ADD, Dyspraxia/ DCD, Visual stress, Sensory processing needs, Trauma and attachment, Social, emotional and mental health needs
Our weekly groups are now full but we will have 4 hour sessions taking place in the summer of 2023 at Badocks Wood, Southmead and Lincombe Barn, Downend.
To request a referral form please email: office@mud-pies.co.uk
Holiday Activity and Food sessions (HAF)
Thanks to funding from the Department of Education, via South Gloucestershire City we are offering summer holiday sessions for children aged 8-12 who are eligible for income related free school meals. These groups are for children who: 1) Live in a home in South Glous (i.e with a South Glous Council tax bill) + 2) are aged 8-12 + 3) are eligible for income related free school meals.
If your child is eligible for a space you may wish to be added to our text alert service about these sessions... If so, please email office@mud-pies.co.uk with your phone number.
Positive Activities Sessions for Autistic Children and their Parents/Carers
This is a social prescribing pilot project which has been funded by Wesport. Wesport have been appointed by South Gloucestershire Council and the Green Social Prescribing Project Board to manage this Positive Activities grants process a part of the ‘Feeling Better in South Gloucestershire’ (FBiSG) and ‘Green Social Prescribing’ (GSP) projects.
The project consists of a 12 week program for autistic children aged 7-12 at Lincombe Barn Woods in Downend. 2 groups will run simultaneously- one for the children and one for their parents/carers. We are also partnering with The Autism Training Company which is led by a parent of an autistic child, Kate Toner. She will offer 4 sessions for parents/ carers around specific issues for autistic children.
This group is now fully booked with a waiting list. To find out about any upcoming projects you may wish to sign up to our mailing list.