"Freedom and Belonging"
Contact Details:
If the FAQs below do not address your inquiry, please feel free to contact us using the information provided. As a small team dedicated to working outdoors with children we do not get the chance to check emails every day. Also. most of the team are only available during term time. Consequently, we may take longer than anticipated to respond to messages. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Booking and payment enquiries
If you are requesting a space please fill out a referral form on our booking page. Otherwise, please contact Rachael if you have any booking or payment enquiries.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Please contact Colleen Gough, our Designated Safeguarding Lead if you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of . a child. You can call Colleen on 07960 292 692 or email by colleen@mud-pies.co.uk or simply click here:
Who can book sessions? Parents/ carers can book sessions directly from our website for paid for sessions and some of our funded sessions. Some of our funded projects are booked through invitation or by responding to our advertisements.
You can see where we have spaces or whether you'll need to join the waiting list for a particular session, via our booking page.
External agencies and parents/ carers can also refer using referral form on the booking page.
Will my child's needs be catered for? If your child has specific needs that you wish to discuss please contact the Manager from your area (see above). We can decide together if what we offer is what your child wants and needs. We can also talk about reasonable adjustments for them to be participate as fully as possible. This may be support with the transition into a new group, a 121 or something else. Refer to our inclusion policy for more information.
How do you keep children safe in the woods? We have high adult: child ratios at every session and focus on building positive relationships with each child. We promote autonomy and consent while supporting the developing emotional intelligence. Our risk benefit assessments, policies and procedures are reviewed annually. We do dynamic risk assessments and communicate with parents, carers and partners as soon as issues arise. We have robust safeguarding practices, please refer to our policy HERE!
What do they need to bring with them to sessions? In cooler times layers are very important, waterproof coats, waterproof trousers along with a hat and gloves. In the summer months suncream and a sunhat are needed. All year round long trousers are needed and decent footwear is essential (wellies or walking boots work the best!) Everyone needs to bring a water bottle of course in any weather, along with a snack! No glass bottles or fizzy drinks please.
We know that some children may have sensory needs which mean wearing waterproofs etc is anxiety producing. Please do talk to us if this is the case. We do not want you child to be uncomfortable.
Do you cancel sessions in bad weather? We go outdoors in all kinds of weather, that is all part of the Forest School experience. However, we do cancel in the rare occurrence of extreme or unsafe weather, this doesn't happen very often.
We do not take children outdoors if there is: an amber or red warning for an electrical storm, predicted wind or gust speeds of 39 mph or more, extreme heat or extreme cold. Many of our schools have an allocated indoor space we can use in the event of extreme or unsafe weather. In these instances we provide nature based play based activities for our groups. View our bad weather policy HERE!
Where are the sessions held in Bristol and South Gloucestershire? Our main sites are Lincombe Barn Woods, Downend (see map below) and Badocks Wood, Southmead. We have permission from Bristol City Council and South Gloucesterhire Council to use these spaces. Sessions also take place in local schools or in green open spaces within walking distance from school.